Pain Education


Enhance and standardize pain science and management in physiotherapy education across Europe\



  • Dr. Brona Fullen
  • Dr. Harriet Wittink
  • Lorena Canosa
  • Beatriz Roderiguez Romero
  • Andor Verhoeven
  • Miguel Comas
  • Heidi Marie Brogner
  • Anne Katrine SkjØlstrup Toftdahl
  • Sonia Liebana
  • Javier Ostolaza
  • Alesander Badiola Zabala
  • Sabela Rivas Neira
  • Kristina Žukienė


Work in Progress

WP1 = Learning Outcomes
Develop learning outcomes for bachelor level physiotherapists and grading rubrix to define which patients with pain bachelor level physio’s should be able to treat with competently.

WP2= Teach -the-teacherShare resources (presentations, research, open access sources) can be put on UPPScALE open education site: see https://www.uppscale.eu This serves to enhance teacher knowledge and competence.

WP3 = Improve accessibility core curriculum
Translate core curriculum into Spanish, Danish, Dutch and Lithuanian (etc) as for many this may be easier to understand



The Core Bachelor Pain Curriculum: https://europeanpainfederation.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/EFIC-Physio-Bachelor-Curriculum-2024.pdf